

Strategic Goals

The new Jackson State University strategic plan details how our university will meet the global challenges and expectations that are inherent in the changing landscape of higher education, and it serves as the roadmap for the University’s prioritizations, decisions, and resources, and for advancing Jackson State University as a recognized leader in higher education. 

The strategic framework outlines the priorities and goals that will assist in positioning JSU to build on its growth and advance its status in higher education.  Jackson State University will move forward by focusing its efforts around a framework of six strategic goals for the next five years.

Details pertaining to each goal are provided below. To assist in realizing these goals, the JSU community will pursue a number of objectives, strategies, and initiatives. The collaborative work groups also identified a number of key performance indicators that will assist in assessing the University’s progress toward reaching its goals.  It will be the collective objectives, strategies, and initiatives along with the manner in which the Jackson State University community pursues them that will help drive the University toward growth and excellence during the next five years. 



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ackson State University will become one of the most student-centered universities in the country by implementing relevant and appropriate student success strategies, developing students holistically and ensuring student Return on Investment (ROI). Some of the objectives that we will achieve in pursuit of this goal include:

Promote a student-centered university that enhances student experiences and provides enriched support systems and related programs which provide increased opportunities for student success (retention, persistence, degree completion).

Advance overall student success by increasing first-time, full-time freshman retention rate.

Advance overall student success by increasing retention, graduation, and persistence rates.

• Use predictive analytics to create plans of action to address course and curricular offerings, credit completion, and high failure rate courses. • Provide opportunities for students to participate in peer tutoring, subject-area study groups, and periodic student success skills workshops. • Integrate support services through yearlong academic support programming, and related activities.

Enhance requirements and academic pathways to graduation.

• Provide planned and effective opportunities for students to realize graduation. • Provide planned and effective transfer paths to graduation. • Implement a common expectation that all students will finish in four years; provide the necessary support and incentives to fully enculturate the campus to the general expectation.

Enhance and improve overall student wellness services through a multidimensional and holistic approach.

• Create and implement a campus-wide wellness campaign. • Integrate wellness services information in the new student orientation sessions, the university success course, and within other established programs


Academic Prominence


ackson State University will become one of the most respected and prominent academic institutions in the country by becoming a Top 10 U.S. News & World Report ranked HBCU, providing quality teaching using various modalities to develop technologically-advanced, ethical, and global leaders, and having the largest and best HBCU online degree program offerings.

Promote academic prominence through the continuous offering of high quality, innovative, distinctive, and competitive undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs and related activities that prepare students for success.

We will ensure competitive high quality undergraduate and graduate academic programs that align with regional and program-specific accreditation standards and that can withstand external program reviews.

Improve selectivity of academically prepared students in undergraduate and graduate admissions in competitive academic programs, while maintaining student population diversity and program access to academic programs.

We will expand access and enrollment opportunities for both traditional and non-traditional students to ensure that no student is denied access to a JSU education based solely on financial need.

Improve overall undergraduate and graduate academic and campus-life experiences.

• Promote intellectually engaging academic programs, high-quality models of program delivery modes and teaching and learning pedagogies, and experiential learning opportunities that enhance and advance student access and achievement.

Enhance, strengthen, and support Honors College offerings that provides opportunities and experiences for attracting, admitting, and challenging diverse, high-achieving students.

• Advance the Honors College culture that embraces diversity and inclusivity and is committed to attracting and challenging high-achieving students. • Increase scholarship offerings for high-achieving students.

Establish a Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

• University faculty, staff, and students will work in a collaborative environment to create significant, engaged learning and teaching experiences; the Center will increase student success, build vital cross-disciplinary partnerships, and allow faculty and students to become members of an intellectually diverse, active learning. community, increasing retention and graduation rates by providing outstanding instruction and support.


Research Excellence


ackson State University will raise the level of research prominence by leveraging our “high research activity” status, increasing our research capabilities, growing strategic partnerships, driving innovation and economic development, and providing opportunities for faculty and students to engage in impactful collaborative research.

Invest in the research infrastructure to grow and support a culture of creativity and innovative research among faculty, staff, and students.

• Develop and maintain physical facilities to accommodate innovative research. • Recruit and retain a critical mass of experienced faculty, staff to support faculty, and students who support our research and scholarship across the range of disciplines at the University.

Facilitate the translation and transition of research from lab-to-market for the benefit of Mississippi, the nation, and the world.

• Promote the development and protection of intellectual property. • Develop an entrepreneurial culture and incentivize faculty to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship. • Support local and regional businesses and make contributions to the Mississippi innovation economy.

Create and sustain an environment that supports and encourages high-impact undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate student research activities.

• Develop opportunities for students to engage in grant-funded research opportunities. • Facilitate and support students in obtaining graduate research fellowships.

Increase visibility of research and innovation activities.

• Promote JSU research and innovation activities. • Increase opportunities for researchers to establish linkages and collaborative partnerships. • Broaden the level and scope of research communications both internally and externally.


Athletics Prowess Through Enhanced Program Support


ackson State University will become one of the premier NCAA FCS sports programs in the country where student-athletes compete fearlessly on and off the field, are retained and graduate, have access to quality coaching, mentorship, and facilities, and are actively engaged in campus life beyond athletics.

Promote academic excellence, student success, and outstanding achievements for all student-athletes.

• Assist and encourage JSU student-athletes to strive for excellence and to reach their full academic potential and to graduate within five years. • Enhance and support academic excellence ensuring student athletes have access to all resources, personnel, athletic support, and academic programs to excel academically.

Promote student-centered programs focused on the growth and advancement of life skills and career development as key components in the welfare of student athletes and to enhance the student-athlete experience at Jackson State University.

• Provide student athletes with the opportunity to grow personally and professionally through their participation and engagement in life skills and professional development workshops and seminars. • Provide media training with student-athletes, coaches, and administrators.

Commit to the process of building a premier NCAA FCS sports programs that advances the ability of student-athletes to strive for excellence in athletics in their quest to continue the JSU winning tradition.

• Maintain accountability in all operations throughout the athletic department and ensure adherence to standards. • Provide the staff, resources, facilities, and scholarships necessary to continue to recruit highly skilled student-athletes necessary to continue the JSU winning tradition.

To maintain athletic facilities that provide the best practice and competition spaces for student-athletes, and community-based programs.

• Plan and conduct a comprehensive upgrade of all JSU athletic facilities through state-of-the art renovations, upgrades, and redesigns as well as through any new constructions in order to afford JSU athletic teams with a competitive edge and to assist in recruiting competitive student-athletes; upgrade to serve as sports and event venues for national, regional, state, county, and city; attention given to such athletic facilities as T. B. Ellis Arena for JSU Volleyball; Tennis Complex; Track and Field Complex; Softball, Baseball, and Soccer Complex; Athletics Weigh Room; AAC Weigh Room; and Athletic Training Rooms in AAC and T. B. Ellis Annex.


Improve Campus Aesthetics and Sustainability


etain and grow our status as one of the most beautiful and attractive urban campuses in the country by continuously investing in our physical plant and grounds, repairing and renovating older facilities and building new structures in order to compete favorably for students, faculty, and staff. 

Foster improved management of the campus through continuous planning, designing, engineering, constructing, and maintaining of campus facilities, physical spaces, infrastructure, green spaces and resources, ensuring that the campus is aesthetically appealing and is consistently managed in an efficient, effective manner allowing it to continually operate in optimum condition.

• Support the work, training, certification, and further professional development of a qualified facilities and construction staff over all departments.

Improve campus safety through new Tiger Safety initiatives.

• Hire more certified law enforcement officers or additional security officers to enhance the safety and security of the JSU community. • Become more visible on the JSU campus and strengthen accountability and transparency.

Strategically acquire properties that will connect JSU to downtown Jackson.

• Acquire all properties that will connect JSU to downtown Jackson. • Build new residence halls at no cost to the University utilizing innovative public, private partnerships. • Work with public and private entities to bring mix-used development to University-owned property surrounding the main campus.


Improve the Campus Culture and Enhance the JSU Brand


ackson State University will become nationally known for quality customer service, efficient and effective operations, nurturing, caring and competent faculty and staff, and alumni who readily give of their time, talent, and treasure, fulfilling our desire to be a exceptional community, city, and state resource and partner.

Promote a culture of quality customer service and a commitment to the University’s mission and core values at all levels of the University.

• Maintain a culture of quality customer service in all internal interactions among faculty, staff, and students and with individuals external to the University community. • Provide customer service excellence training for all frontline staff in individual departments, including process audits and improvements, and solicit their feedback as well as to facilitate their work in serving JSU’s customers and constituents.

Communicate and share the ‘Tiger Pride’ in relation to the mission and core values at every level of the University.

• Create, display, maintain, communicate, and share the ‘Tiger Pride’ spirit and culture that is centered on the University’s mission, vision, and core values. • Advance, promote, and review the meaning of the University’s mission, core values, and strategic priorities and the expectations of quality in all academic and non-academic programming.

Maintain a diverse, nurturing, caring, and competent faculty and staff to efficiently and effectively serve a diverse student population in the JSU inclusive campus environment.

• Assist in achieving the University’s mission, goals, and objectives by strategically recruiting, hiring, providing professional development, retaining, and rewarding a diverse community of qualified faculty, including adjuncts, and staff across the University. • Promote faculty and staff well-being by assuring employees that they are valued and by presenting programs that support their well-being and affording them with health and wellness opportunities (de-stress, work and life balance, etc.).

Promote efficient and effective operations through financial sustainable measures in support of the mission, core values, and strategic priorities.

We will attract and support extraordinary students, from all backgrounds, who have the potential to live lives of purpose, impact, and service in whatever fields they enter. In particular, we will strive to be one of the very best universities for first-generation and underrepresented students, recognizing that creating economic and social opportunities is one of the highest callings for a public university.
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