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Research Compliance

Responsible Conduct Of Research

The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program at JSU is part of the educational and training activities of the Office of Research Compliance. RCR refers to the professional and ethical responsibility of researchers to conduct their research with honesty, accuracy, efficiency, and objectivity. Our goal is to develop and make available to the JSU research community programs and materials that will increase the knowledge of and facilitate the practice of responsible research. This effort is performed in collaboration with the Office of Sponsored Programs and HAZMAT Office. 


RCR Education

In accordance with federal standards, responsible conduct of research education and training involves the following instructional areas:

  1. Animal Welfare
  2. Collaborative Science
  3. Conflict of Interest
  4. Data Management
  5. Human Subjects
  6. Mentorship and Training
  7. Responsible Authorship and Peer Review
  8. Research Misconduct


Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program

CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
(Beginning July 1 2010, all researchers are required to take this online course).
The following guidelines and links are designed to give researchers access to educational and training resources.


Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to review all the proposed research involving human subjects and to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected.

The IRB process is administered through the Research Compliance Unit. Investigators and student researchers are not allowed to solicit human subject participation or begin data collection prior to receiving IRB approval in writing

Research Compliance

Administration Tower, 6th Floor
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17057
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: 601.979.2931

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